The Glorious Pentecostal Church

Our Church


We are happy to welcome you to our website. We are Committed to Membership, Committed to Maturity, Committed to Ministry, Committed to Missions. Prayer, Evangelism, Discipleship, Teaching, Worship.

Our Church was birth on March 01, 2012 By Nathan and Daphne. Launched and dedicated on April 20 2012. God has commissioned us to “Go ye therefore and preach the Gospel” as in Matthew 28: 16-20, and Mark 16:15. “Reaching The Lost at Any Cost”

Mandate is Reaching the hurting and needy, to establish, maintain and support the community and other Outreach Services.

We are providing  a diversity of help and services to the community through services in abused women and children, at risk youth and the homeless and meeting the needs of the community by connecting those in need to available services.

You can make a difference and change the lives of the entire communities by partnering with us to provide a community centre, and a Basic school (Early Childhood education) facility. The community centre would provide a place where we can teach youth and families how to care for themselves, offer them meals and allow them to sit with a counselor who would direct them to the available societal opportunities that may be available to them.

We invite you to be the helping hands and “Reach with Us across the nations.

Your donation can make a difference to the lives of these less fortunate in these communities.

The Glorious Pentecostal Church is a  registered charity; your donation is tax deductable for any generous amount over $100.00


  • The Glorious Pentecostal Church primary aim and object is to practice and propagate what our Lord Jesus Christ commanded in Mark 16: 15-16.

“go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, he believeth and is baptized shall be saved…, and in Matthew 25:40” in as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these brethren, ye have done it unto me.”


  • The Glorious Pentecostal Church exists to bring all people from all Nation to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ through the proclamation of the gospel, in planting of churches and equipping of believers for every God-glorifying service. 
  • It demonstrates the love of God through the provision of social services in partnership with governments, communities and other like-minded organizations.
  • Reach the Lost, Refresh the Weary, Respond with Love & be Rapture Ready



Our Community

To help rescue those in need, to provide for the poor as much as is within us, to establish lives, marriages and families in faith and to disciple those who would allow.

Our Church

  • To love unconditionally

  • To forgive quickly

  • To overlook and forbear any differences 

  • To have no, racial barriers.

Our Goals

  • To show the love of God in the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost in our community.
  • To stand firmly on the Word of God without compromise.
  • To be real in every way, to be truthful, to be honest and reliable in all our dealings.



  • To grow our church in our community, becoming a real influence in Townsville and surrounding areas.  
  • To reach the un-churched of our city by providing caring structures for families, diversity in worship, small caring groups and knowledge of spiritual gifts.
  • To share the good news of God’s love, forgiveness of sin, healing and deliverance from the power of darkness, provision for today and hope for eternal life here-after, to the diverse peoples of Canada irrespective of color, race, or ethnic background
  • To preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the spiritually lost, disciple and nurture them to be Christ-centered, Holy Spirit-filled.
  • To establish and maintain a friendly multicultural Christian fellowship where every member is an important integral part of the family.
  • To worship the Lord in spirit and in truth with all kinds of musical instruments and songs that inspire the soul and spirit but are culturally sensitive.
  • To provide Systematic Teachings that are theologically sound and balanced.
  • To equip all members to become responsible leaders/ministers for ministry.
  • To offer holistic ministry to the needs of the total person (including spiritual, material, emotional, intellectual, physical and social).
  • To mobilize material and educational resources toward the promotion of the Church’s International Missionary mandate especially in Africa, the Caribbean and other developing countries.

Value Statements

  1. We believe that the process of becoming a disciple of Jesus involves: repentance, baptism in water, the infilling of the Holy Ghost, Prayer, ongoing learning about the Christian values, regular worship and participation in activities that utilize one’s spiritual gifts for the ministry.
  2. We believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.
  3. We believe in watery immersion in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  4. We believe in the importance of stewardship of time, talents, treasures and the earth’s resources as a sign of a mature Christian faith.
  5. We believe that evangelism is the role of every Christian.
  6. We Believe in “Winning the lost at any cost.”


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